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RPT-GRAPHIC-Take Five: Trade winds to blow again?

May 4 (Reuters) - 1/MAY DAY FOR CHINA China has headed off on Labour Day holidays but its leaders won't be resting easy. U.S. President Donald Trump has ratcheted up anti-China rhetoric again. He is threatening trade tariffs to punish Beijing for its alleged failure to contain the coronavirus, even accusing a Chinese lab of manufacturing the pathogen. [Source]

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Category: companyNews

Topics: the pathogen, manufacturing, Chinese, accusing, the coronavirus, contain, failure, alleged, Beijing, to punish, tariffs, trade, threatening, again, rhetoric, anti-China, ratcheted up, Trump, Donald, President, resting, leaders won't, holidays, Labour, headed, CHINA China, - 1/MAY, (Reuters), again?, winds, Trade, RPT-GRAPHIC-Take


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