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Opinion: What happened when a president ignored the science on an epidemic

The sickness is hidden at first; nobody knows if they have it, if they are a carrier. There is confusion too. Many questions about how the infection spreads. People don't curb risky behavior. Scientists warn about exponential growth in the number of cases. People start to get sick. They cough, gasp for breath, become too weak to get out of bed. Often alone. So much death. Families, clinics, hospitals, entire communities are overwhelmed. It is a virus; new and not understood, contagious and indiscriminate. [Source]

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Topics: People, indiscriminate, contagious, understood, virus;, overwhelmed, communities, entire, hospitals, clinics, Families, death, alone, Often, become, breath, cough, start, cases, number, growth, exponential, Scientists, behavior, risky, don't, spreads, infection, questions, confusion, There, carrier, knows, nobody, first;, hidden, sickness, epidemic, science, ignored, president, happened, Opinion


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